Yes, I has been way too long since I posted. I have no legitimate excuse except that I have harbored the thought that my life is busy.
So, how to catch up? So many important things have happened in the past six months. We now have three new grandbabies...and they are the cutest!
So, how to catch up? So many important things have happened in the past six months. We now have three new grandbabies...and they are the cutest!
Here are The Three Amigos!
(From left to right, Peter and Isaac, Kim and Steve's twin boys, and Jonathan, Holly's little boy.)

We also have a new daughter-in-law! Matt married Amanda Taylor in the Logan Temple on October 17th. Matt, and the rest of my boys, have been wise enough to follow my example. We have all married way, way above ourselves.
Amanda is another in a series of fortuitous events in our family history.

As you see from the pictures, she is a beautiful young woman. And, she is just as beautiful on the inside. When Gae and I first saw them together we were very impressed with Amanda. I remember closing the door as they left our home and turning to Gae and saying, "I think we may have just met our new daughter-in-law." It looked like a good match to us. That night as we knelt at our bedside we prayed that it would be a match.

The more we got to know about Amanda the more we felt like she was simply too good to be true. What we have learned in the intervening months is that she is delightfully uncomplicated (I loved it when she said, "I'm just a farm girl who didn't get to grow up on a farm.") and she is good, and she is true. And she loves our Matt with all her heart. And Matt loves her with all his heart.
And that feels really good.

The reception was everything a young bride could ask for, truly a dream come true.
The Taylor's are a terrific family.
Matt is very blessed.
And so are we.

Welcome to the family Amanda.
We love you.